Here you can find more information about cookies and how they are used on Vigneron-Online website, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Cookie Policy’.
When visiting our website for the first time, you will receive a pop-up requesting to agree with the way we use cookies to improve your browsing experience. Via ‘More info’ you are redirected to this Cookie Policy. By visiting our website, you agree to the way we use cookies in accordance with the Cookie Policy. However, we reserve the right to modify the Cookie Policy at any given time. In order to stay up to date about any possible modifications, we request you to consult the Cookie Policy on a regular basis.
Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or other device when you visit a website. Cookies are mostly used to optimize your browsing experience, remember your actions and preferences (such as language, login details, …) for a certain period of time. The advantage is that when you visit the website again or navigate between different web pages, you don't have to set your preferences again. In addition, cookies collect information about how the website was accessed. That way, we can improve the website's general performance with regard to speed and operation.
Cookies never work independently and are always linked to a website. Cookies never access any data located on your computer or other device.
Strictly necessary cookies are essential in order to enable you to move around the website and to use the linked features. These cookies do not identify you as an individual. By refusing to accept these cookies, several features within the website will be (partially) disrupted.
Functionality cookies enhance the website's user friendliness by remembering your choices (e.g. language preference). These ensure that certain settings are customized upon your request. If you refuse to accept these cookies, this may affect the website's performance and functionality and it can limit your access to the website's content.
Performance/Analytical cookies collect information about a website's use, such as the number of visitors, the time visitors spend on certain pages and possible error messages. We use Google Analytics for this (How Google collects and processes your data can be found here). These cookies do not identify you as an individual, but help us to improve your browsing experience.
Most browsers accept cookies automatically. You can set your browser so that you receive a notification before any cookies are placed or so that cookies are prevented from being placed. Refer to the following links for more information about browser settings:
Keep in mind that changing the settings might cause the website to no longer function as expected.
If you are using several devices to visit a website, you must ensure your cookie preferences are set for the browsers on each device.
Refer to for more information about managing cookies.
In addition, you can use the following websites to choose from which companies you no longer wish to receive cookies: and